Sunday, May 3, 2009

From Mother to Daughter!

One day a few weeks ago Papa brought over all the boxes I had in the attic of keepsakes from childhood through college. After having the boxes piled in the garage for a week or so I finally decided to go through them and reminisce what seemed to be a life time ago.

Along with many other items I had totally forgotten about, pogs being one of them, I found some of my old Barbies and a Barbie Jeep. I had always wanted to be able to give my daughter some of the toys I loved as a child and now I had the chance!

It didn't take long before Haven was pushing the jeep around the house and have barbie clothes strung all over.

Still today, after having the barbies over a week I find little shoes throughout the house. Mainly after stepping on them.. Ouch!!

1 comment:

  1. That's so great that you held on to those all these years and were able to pass them along to Haven! =)


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