Monday, May 11, 2009

Level 2 of Haven vs Chloe

Tonight while Haven was laying on the couch watching her shows before going to bed she started laughing uncontrolable. Curious as to what she may up to I glanced over to see she playing with Chloe. Haven had been playing with her dress up clothes earlier today and still had a wand on the couch. Instead of her hand she decided to tease Chloe with the wand.
There were times when Chloe would actually win and pull the wand from Haven's hands. So Haven would get up to reclaim the wand resulting in Chloe running to hide. After a few minutes she would return to play again.
It was a great way to Haven to end her evening and best of all I was able to hear one of the greatest sounds in the world. My daughter's laugh!

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