Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Out Smarted By My 3 Year Old...

Determined to have Haven potted trained by her third birthday I decided that I would try something different tonight. Since Haven hates to be dirty I thought if I put her in big girl panties and she didn't use the potty it would bother her. Smiling as I thought I was so cleaver Haven came to me with muffins. Since dinner was on the stover I told her she could have them if she ate all her dinner. While talking to Haven about the muffins I said...
"Haven, do you need to go potty?"
"Umm, no mommy."
"Ok, go put the muffins up until after dinner"
"Ok mommy. I go potty!"
Excited because I thought my idea was working I replied....
"Ok honey. Mommy is so proud of you!"
After a few minutes I called for Haven so I could reward her for using the potty, but when she walked up to me I noticed she had wet her panties.
"Oh Haven, what happened honey? Show me where you went potty so mommy can clean it up"
I followed Haven into my bathroom where her potty is. Thinking to myself that she must have sat on the potty but forgot to pull down her panties, I saw this in instead...

Haven may have needed to go potty but she really went to eat the muffins. Where she found the scissors I have no idea.

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