Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Happy Early Birthday Haven!

Today we went to Shelby Lynn's Bakery to order Haven's birthday cake. This is the first year to have a cake instead of cupcakes! We wanted something special but different, so it took some time to decide on what we wanted. But we finally did after an hour and I can't wait to see how it turns out.
When we arrived home I pulled Haven's first birthday present, a Barbie Jamming Jeep, out into the driveway. I then asked Haven who was here, she started looking around. Then she saw the jeep and said "My car!"

Her favorite feature on the jeep is the working radio. She doesn't really trust the jeep moving, but I am sure she will with time.

Not sure why she gets in and out on the passenger side?!

I tried so hard but I just wouldn't fit. =)

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