Monday, October 5, 2009

The Punkie Match!

Saturday morning Grams, Papa and I took Haven and Nattie to the McGarrah Farms Pumpkin Patch in Pea Ridge, or punkie match according to Haven. Once we arrived we had the choice of buying a pre-picked pumpkin or picking our own within their huge pumpkin patch. We decided to pick our own pumpkins! We were given a wagon and clippers and wished a "Happy Pickin!" On our way to the patch we passed a display of pumpkins, perfect for some pictures.

After some pictures we were off to the patch. With over 5 acres of pumpkins to choose from I was sure we would find the perfect pumpkin. We walked through out the different sizes (small up to fairytale) and colors of pumpkins before Haven and Nattie found their pumpkin.

Papa pulling the girls and their pumpkins.

Stopping for a family picture!

We finished our pumpkin patch experience with a hay ride. The girls had a great time as did the adults. I am sure this will be a new yearly event since a pumpkin is a must for Aunt Maggie's Pumpkin Carving party!

If you are interested in visiting the farm you can more information and directions from their website.

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