Ever since Haven was born my mom has told me that Haven would adopt Squishy. "Never" I would say. I was never going to give up Squishy and Haven would have to find her own item to become attached too. Well for the 3 1/2 years of Haven's life my plan was a success, until this week. I am pretty sure Haven knew about my attachment to Squishy and planned her attack. It all started with her using him to lay on while watching her shows. That I was ok with because I was usually doing something else at the time. Then I noticed Haven would have Squishy in the mornings when we woke up. I was puzzled but never thought twice about it. Finally Haven went in for the kill. She crawled in bed before me the other night and passed out of Squishy. I didn't have the heart to move her so I let it be.
She has slept with him every night since. I guess it is time to let go and pass Squishy down to the next person who will love him as I did, Haven!