Tuesday, September 29, 2009

An Evening Walk

I had promised myself and Haven that once fall was here we would start taking walks in the evening. Tonight was our first walk of many! Anna and Ditto joined us along with the dogs. Since we were not sure how it would go being our first walk, we decided to walk a short distance to the railroad tracks.
Haven had to lead the way.

Haven heard something and we all had to be quiet so she could figure out what it was.

After exploring everything Ditto, Haven and the dogs came across, we finally made it to the railroad tracks.

Now it was time to throw rocks and see who could get them the farthest or into the water.

Anna trying to help the kids throw their rocks into the water.

Keena Bear!

Haven wasn't sure about the walk home. She kept hearing things and would get scared. (I think we may be in for a treat this Halloween)

All in all our first evening walk was a success. Haven only fell down once and Ditto only picked up one snake, thankfully it was dead! I think tomorrow evening we are going to put pennies on the railroad tracks like I use to do as a kid!

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