Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Haven!

Today was Haven's actual birthday and we took her to the Tulsa Zoo. Uncle Brian, Rachael and Morgan joined us.
Haven and Morgan were both so excited to see the elephants.

This elephant kept spraying water on it's self because it was so hot.

Haven and Uncle feeding the geese her popcorn. Uncle rescued her a few times from getting attacked.
Taking a break from walking and the hot hot sun. The temperature was over 100 degrees.

This baby flamingo was so cute. A zoo keeper had to stand by the baby and it's parents to protect them from all the others.

The two preggos at the zoo!
We all had a great time regardless of the heat. Haven was so excited to see all the animals and enteracted with all of them. Haven had such a good time, she was asleep before we even left the parking lot.

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