Sunday, May 10, 2009

Starting to Get the Hang of It!

While sitting at home today, believing I am on my death bed, I decided to work on our blog. Hoping to learn more tricks to make it special and unique. Since I haven't slept since Friday night due to coughing and a snuffy nose I have had a lot of time to play around and look at sites. After many frustrating hours and restarting over and over again, I finally customized our header! Next I hope to figure out how to customize my signature. But for now I am taking a break. Enjoy our new layout!

1 comment:

  1. Looks great, Constance!

    Signatures are pretty easy, too. Once you pick the picture or whatever it is you want as your signature (I made mine in Paint and moved it back and forth from PowerPoint to edit it and then saved it as a .jpg), upload it into Photobucket to grab the HTML code of the image. That code will go under the HTML tab on your posts - and you can set it up to automatically put one on each new post under your settings I believe.

    Let me know if you need help.


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