Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Biggest Frog Haven Ever Did See....

Tonight we had a visitor waiting for us when we got home.

A huge frog, according to Haven!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Little Farmer!

Haven decided she wanted to bail hay with my dad. So I walked her out to the hay field and off she went.

After one lap Haven was ready to get off. It must not have been as much fun as she thought it would be!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Painting with Ditto

Enjoying some watercolor painting with Ditto.

Only if they knew to put the paintbrush in the paint AFTER the water. =)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Lil Slugger!

Ok, so it took me 3 years and moving back to my old roots to finally introduce Haven to my favorite past time.... Softball. I am so glad I did because now she is obsessed. She runs around the house in an old helmet and even wears it to bed!

Now to get a ball and glove!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Great Outdoors

Haven experienced her first canoe trip this weekend! I was excited, as I thought I was going to be the same fearless woman I once was when I use to canoe.

That wasn't the case. From the moment we got into the canoe I was feaking out.
"Don't rock the canoe!"
"What are you doing, we are going tip!"
"The water is freezing, we are going to get sick!"
"Haven stop, you are going to fall in!"
I was freaking out about anything and everything. I think Brian got a kick out of me being as I was. I had truly turned into a mom.

Helping Haven catch butterflies!

Riding with Uncle and Rachael.

Our little helper!

Haven had a great time and we only had one accident! We were at the shore of our ending point and I was trying to put Haven on land. Well she sort of fell in. Other than that everything was good. I just couldn't believe I had turned into "that" mom. I will have to lighten up for the next adventure we take. Which Brian wants to be rock climbing!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Car Trouble...

Haven, while playing with Ditto, seemed to be having some car trouble....

She seemed to have fixed whatever was wrong!

Happy (safe) driving!!