Saturday, February 7, 2009

Slumber Party with Baby Lilly

One of the many people Haven asks to see along with Papa, Nana, GrandDan and Uncle Brian is Baby Lilly. Lilly is the daughter of one my best friends Jessica. After moving into our new home, which happens to be about 5 houses from Baby Lilly's, we asked if Lilly could stay the night. Haven's first slumber party!!

The girls went non-stop first by chasing each other around the house with baby strollers. I was exhausted just watching them.

After many rounds around the house they decided to take on the playroom.

Weebles were the hit of the playroom and I believe they could have played all night long. But Blake and I were fading away so we turned on a movie thinking they could pass out. I would have at this point but the girls watched an entire movie and were still wide awake.

During the second movie they started to get tired, finally!! I wasn't sure how much longer the toothpicks were going to hold my eyes open. They both cuddled up on the couch and passed out.

I will have to make sure I am well rested before Haven's next slumber party!!!